Category Archives: Funeral Planning and Urns

How To Choose The Perfect Cremation Urn

How To Choose The Perfect Cremation Urn? In a world of almost endless options, the last place you want to be overwhelmed is when choosing an urn for someone you lost. You want something beautiful, durable, well-made. But you also want it to memorialize your loved one and be a visual reminder of the legacy […]

How Do I Know What Size Urn to Buy?

How Do I Know What Size Urn to Buy

Home / Blog / How Do I Know What Size Urn to Buy? Urn size is an important consideration when planning a funeral When planning a funeral, urn size is an important consideration. How do you know what size urn to buy? There are so many options, and most people aren’t familiar with how choosing an urn […]

Why Do Families Divide Ashes?

Home / Blog / Why Do Families Divide Ashes? When a loved one dies, the thought of cremating them can be comforting. It can feel like they are still with you in some way. But what do you do with the ashes after the cremation? Some people choose to bury them, others choose to scatter them. But […]

Meet The Maker | Behind the Scenes At Maple Nail

Behind the Scenes At Maple Nail

Home / Blog / Meet The Maker | Behind the Scenes At Maple Nail I grew up the son of a farmer. Heart of the USA, with roots that dug deep. We were taught that hard work and good morals can bring you so much father in life than good luck.  And that’s how I’ve […]